Terms Of Use
We recognize the importance of your privacy. Please read the following policy (the “Privacy Policy”) to understand how your information will be treated. These privacy practices apply to the websites, associated widgets, mobile applications and other distribution platforms (the “Sites”) operated by Creation and Innovation Services,, doing business as Strengthen Your Core With Gena West (“Strengthen Your Core With Gena West ”).

Our Sites and associated communications from us may contain links to third-party sites, which are not subject to this Privacy Policy. We recommend that you read the privacy policy of any such sites that you visit. This Privacy Policy applies only to the Sites.
Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may change from time to time. We will post any changes on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice (which may include email notification of policy changes for those that have created accounts and provided an email address). Each version of this Privacy Policy will be identified at the top of the page by its effective date. Therefore, we encourage you to check the date of our Privacy Policy whenever you visit the Sites for any updates or changes.

By visiting our Sites, you are consenting to the information collection, use and sharing practices described in this Privacy Policy, as modified from time to time by us. In order to access certain functionalities of the Sites you will be required to register by providing certain information
What this Privacy Policy Does NOT Address
This Privacy Policy does not address the data management practices and policies of and information usage policies of other sites to which the Sites may link to or on which a Strengthen Your Core With Gena West  widget may be installed.

Information We Collect
The information we collect from visitors to our Sites depends upon how visitors choose to interact with us through the Sites. We offer some services that do not require you to register for an account or provide any personal information to us. For example, you can read materials such as our blogs without providing personal information. However, using our full range of services involves providing personal information to us. Personal information is information that can be used to identify you, such as your name, address, email address, telephone number or billing information. When you register with us and sign in to our Sites, we recognize that you are not anonymous to us.

The following is a list of types of information we may collect and ways in which it is collected:
Information You Provide. When you sign up for a service that requires registration, we ask you for personal information such as your name and email address. We also collect information you provide when requesting a service, and this information may, among other things, include personal information or reveal details about your preferences. We typically store and maintain the information collected.
User Communications. When you send email or other communications to Strengthen Your Core With Gena West  we retain those communications in order to process your request and improve our service.

Logged Information. We automatically collect and store some information that you do not actively provide, such as your internet protocol (IP) address, software and hardware attributes such as browser type, the date and time of your visit, and the last website you visited prior to visiting the Sites. This information is used to enhance the services we provide to you.
Cookies. When you visit the Sites, we send one or more cookies (that is, small text files) to your computer that uniquely identifies your browser. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, but you can change your browser’s settings to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some features and services will not function properly if cookies are disabled. Cookies may contain account information such as your user name and password if you opt in to the automatic login option.
Other Internet Technology. We may use other technology, such as pixel tags and web beacons, to track use of our Sites. We may also include web beacons in email messages, newsletters, or other communications to determine whether messages have been opened and acted upon.

How We Use The Information
In general we use personal and other information collected through the Sites to fulfill your requests for services, contact you, customize content, and improve our services. More specifically, we use personal and other information as follows:
Provide Services. To provide our services, for example to deliver a message to the addresses or other destinations you have specified.
Communicate. Use your personal information to communicate with you generally, for example to respond to a query from you, or to provide you with updates or information concerning our services or the services of other companies that we believe you may be interested in. For information regarding opting out of some of these communications, please see “Your Choices” below.
Customization. To customize the content that you see on the Sites and in associated communications. For example, the Sites and associated communications from us may include information based on personal and other information.

To improve our services we conduct research on how are services are used. For example, we may request that you complete user surveys, and use the resulting data to improve the Sites.
Improve Usability. We use cookies to improve the quality of our service by storing user preferences and tracking user trends, such as how people use the Sites. We also use other Internet technology, as described above under “Information We Collect.”
Information Sharing and Disclosure
We do not sell, share or disclose your contact information or personal information except to provide the services you request, when you give us permission, and in the following cases:
Providing Services. Personal and other information is anonymously shared with our selected suppliers, service providers and partner sites in connection with providing services to you. For example, we may provide such information to third parties in connection with operating and maintaining the Sites, fulfilling your requests for services, processing credit card payments (if applicable), performing business and sales analysis, and offering contests or conducting surveys. We do not provide contact details to other companies for their marketing or mailing list.
Content Sharing. Content (meaning any materials, including, without limitation, text, pictures, graphics, sound files and other files and the selection and arrangement thereof, the “Content”) that you make available publicly on the Sites is generally displayed to other visitors to the Sites. Content that you make available publicly may be collected and used by others, and we cannot control what other users do with this Content.

Complying With The Law.
We disclose personal and other information if we have a good-faith belief that the disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with the law, legal process or an enforceable government request; to enforce applicable terms of use for our services; to detect, prevent or otherwise address illegal activity, fraud, or security issues; or to protect the property or safety of our users, Strengthen Your Core With Gena West , or the public as required or permitted by law.

Change of Control.
In connection with a significant transaction involving Strengthen Your Core With Gena West , such as a merger or acquisition, we may transfer personal and other information to another party, but we will provide a notice before your personal information becomes subject to the privacy policy of another company.

Aggregate Data.
We may share aggregated information with third parties, such as usage statistics or demographic trends regarding our users. This data does not include personal information.

Your Choices
As a user of the Sites you have the following options:

Service Review.
You can add, edit, pause or remove services that you have subscribed to by logging into the Sites.

Opt Out.
If we propose to use personal information for any purposes other than those described in this Privacy Policy, we will offer you an effective way to opt out of the use of personal information for those other purposes. We do reserve the right to contact you on matters that we believe in good faith to be urgent or of particular importance even if you opt out from other communications, but these would not include marketing communications.

Information Security
We take appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to and unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of personal information. These measures include administrative and physical security measures intended to guard against unauthorized access to personal data. No method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is one hundred percent secure, however. Therefore, while we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.
Strengthen Your Core with Gena West