Benefits Of Strengthen Your Core With Gena West

- For Everyone
Pilates is low-impact and involves controlled movements which effectively tone and strengthen each muscle group of the body. There is an emphasis on good posture and alignment and on injury prevention. Everyone, old or young, fit or unfit, can practise Pilates and enjoy its benefits.

- Long Lasting Results
Coupled with eating healthily and in moderation, this program of dynamic core Pilates will give you definitive results which last. Our focus is on precision of movement to get the best results possible. You will use and strengthen muscles you've probably never used before and your body will become stronger and more defined. But remember - you are what you eat! So, eat well and in moderation.

- Muscles Have Memory
Believe it or not, muscles have memory, which is why those who used to exercise before pregnancy (for example) generally find it easier to get back into shape more quickly than those who did little or no exercise. These core Pilates exercises will teach your muscles to react quickly and effectively. It's your choice - you can be a bum all day or remember that the bum (the gluteus maximus) is the largest muscle in the body and deserves a good workout!

- Strong Lean Body
Pilates is low-impact and involves controlled movements which effectively tone and strengthen each muscle group of the body. Movements are controlled and precise, resulting in a long, lean body, rather than a body full of bulky muscles. There is a focus on lengthening and strengthening and stretching is a key component of every workout.

- Good Posture
As Joseph Pilates said, “Good posture can be successfully acquired only when the entire mechanism of the body is in perfect control.” Posture is a very powerful tool to help you look and feel better. It’s at the core of this program and is the key to how you will benefit from your daily Pilates workout. With Strengthen Your Core there is a huge emphasis on posture and alignment of the entire body and of your mind as you perform the exercises.

- Increased Joint Mobility & Strength
Our muscles hold our joints in alignment so that they may move efficiently and effectively. However, if the muscles get tight and weak - which is what happens with lack of exercise, or when your posture is imperfect, the joints also move out of alignment. Soon the knee aches, the shoulder pinches, the hips begin to click etc. Instead of treating the pain, which is only a symptom, we look at the cause and focus on aligning and strengthening the key muscles that affect joint mobility. Remember, a flexible body is a young body. It’s the body you deserve!

- Relief From Aches & Pains
Anything that hurts your back and strains your muscles is NOT Pilates. With controlled movements and attention to precision, Pilates is far less likely to hurt you than, say, a kick-boxing class or boot camp. However, if you have a diagnosed spinal condition such as spinal stenosis or spinal spondylosis, it is highly recommended that you get permission and guidelines from your doctor with regard to what your body can handle.

People with Osteoporosis in the hips or spine should also be careful not to do too much flexion (bending forward) of the spine. For general aches and pains in the body, Pilates is an excellent form of exercise. Indeed, performed properly, it can help to strengthen core muscles and provide relief from aches and pains, especially in the back and even in the shoulders and knees. Our emphasis on GOOD POSTURE  is the key to long-term injury prevention.

- Flexibility
A flexible body is a young body! How often do you hear people complaining about aches and pains as they "age"? The more supple your body, the better you feel. This program teaches you to ease your body into positions - you NEVER force a stretch, but allow your body to stretch when it's ready. Stretching is an essential part of the program and you quickly learn to understand the connection between tight hamstrings and lower back pain (for example).

- Abdominal Strength
Abdominal strength is key as all movement stems from your core. It begins with breathing because with each exhale you pull your belly button towards your spine, engaging your core. All abdominal exercises in this program use your core, not your back muscles, so we prefer crunches to sit-ups, for example. Your stomach will become flatter and more defined than it's ever been. Guaranteed!

- Pre And Post Natal
The gentle, precise nature of Pilates means that it can be practised even when pregnant. Some exercises will need to be modified for expectant mothers and we would recommend that you seek your doctor's approval before beginning any exercise program. With its specific focus on the core, this program of dynamic core Pilates is a great way to get your body back in shape after delivery.
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Strengthen Your Core with Gena West