The Benefits
Pilates Benefits
For Everyone

Pilates is low-impact and involves controlled movements which effectively tone and strengthen each muscle group of the body. There is an emphasis on good posture and alignment and on injury prevention. Everyone, old or young, fit or unfit, can practise Pilates and enjoy its benefits.
Muscles Have Memory

Believe it or not, muscles have memory, which is why those who used to exercise before pregnancy (for example) generally finds it easier to get back into shape more quickly than those who did little or no exercise.
Long Lasting Results

Coupled with eating healthily and in moderation, this program of dynamic core Pilates will give you definitive results which last. Our focus is on precision of movement to get the best results possible

A flexible body is a young body! How often do you hear people complaining about aches and pains as they "age"? The more supple your body, the better you feel.
Start your day the workout way!

That’s what we believe here at SYC.
The way you start your day is going to have a profound effect on the quality of your outlook and your state of mind. It’s not just about exercise, but also about what you put into your body.

Remember, “You are what you eat!” Our weekly blog will give you tips on how to eat healthily to jump start and maintain a high metabolism. It goes hand-in-hand with our 6 week plan to give you results that last.
Start your day the workout way!
With our program, you are guaranteed results that last. Depending on your fitness level, there’s a plan for everyone. You can go at your own pace and do targeted exercises.

Our dynamic core Pilates program is high-intensity, but low-impact. There is an emphasis on breathing, posture and alignment and, therefore, no risk of injury. Work smart, stay focused and see fast results!
Why Train With Us
Why train with us?
About Your Trainer
Gena West
Strengthen Your Core with Gena West